Mentor Guided Journey

Watch Quick Overview Video
Watch Quick Overview Video

Designed For Men

The 40 Day Program and the lessons included are built around those men who have been in your exact shoes.

Easy Online Access

The flexibility of an online program that allows you to work anywhere from any device to keep making progress while on the go…

Progress Is Private

Your privacy is our utmost concern. We want you to feel safe and know your anonymity matters to us as well as your progress is completely hidden from others, only you can see your information.

1:1 Accountability

Have the accountability where your mentor will check-in and help you through the program.

Support & Encouragement

A friend you can talk to, and most importantly, an ally who is advocating for your success. We believe in you and rooting for you!

Hey there,

First off, I want to say congratulations on taking a bold step forward toward the best version of yourself and being honest with yourself.  I’m excited that other FUEL Mentors have the opportunity to come alongside you on your journey toward total transformation.

I was in the same position more than 12 years ago when I knew that I had a problem that was ruining my life and the lives of those closest to me. I felt like I was tired of feeling sick in all areas of my life and I was desperate for the right prescription to get me healthy but renewed in new ways…

I would challenge you to not only read the Bible scriptures in the 40 days study with us, but find ways to apply them to every area of your life. And I can promise you will see an exciting transformation. Ironically God has already promised us that if we open the door and invite him into our lives He will change it for the best. The life you have been yearning for is standing right here in front of you. The life that God has in store for you to live is one of purpose, joy and real fulfillment.

Together, we will work towards tackling the obstacles while providing you on-going support, guidance, and most important accountability. You understand that two is better than one and realize sometimes men need the support of another brother to help keep them focused.

But hey, let’s be clear- this isn’t the typical gym or group mob mentality where we are pressuring results. We aren’t forcing you to do anything, are we clear? We are not about that mentality, we are about the support that comes from encouragement, not pressure.

Remember you have to want to do this, you’ve got to set your gaze toward a better future and allow the renewing of your mind first by your own choice to commit to this journey. Of course, we’re present and proactively working with you but you ought to ask yourself – How are you supposed to make progress without taking the first step on-your-own and if you won’t, then who will?

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

You see God designed us for a relationship and for us to share each other’s burdens. That is where support and encouragement come in. We’ve been in your shoes before and we know how hard and challenging the journey can be…

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2

We believe the teaching in Galatians and having mentors standing by to serve you and walk this road with you is a resource you’ll find to be invaluable. As you’ve taken the bold step with the courage to move forward we ask you to take that same risk and ask your mentor ANY questions or concerns. Why? Well being honest is one of the surest ways to bring to light into darkness but it also brings clarity to your own problems for us to help you.

I know this all sounds big, vague in some ways, and can seem like scary step making sacrifices for the prospect of a better future. You might even be asking yourself “who is this person who will be mentoring me?”, or “will they be able to help me and identify with the struggles I face?”… All valid questions.

These are the same questions that I had when the LORD brought me another man who served as my support systems and accountability. We were different in many ways but that difference means another perspective and it was one of the biggest factors of me walking in freedom. Therefore we believe in this process of teamwork.

Secondly, your mentor will get a copy of your study each day and will respond to by email. The goal is for you to have someone that will be praying for you, available to answer any questions and someone that is going to challenge your rationale, way of thinking and help you better understand if it does align with the Word of God. Instead of having to seek counsel and wisdom from others on your own, your mentor will be reviewing your answers and bringing insight into your progress.

You can expect to see emails where they will address questions you have and help coach you through typical pitfalls and lies that we have believed from the enemy that has kept us trapped in slavery to sin.

“He must gently reprove those who oppose him, in the hope that God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, who has taken them captive to his will.”
2 Timothy 2:25-26

Still, have questions? Seriously, give us a call or send us an email, your freedom and transformation matters to us and we aren’t kidding. We would love to talk to you further and answer and questions that you might have.

Add a mentor who’s been in your place to help you navigate the next 40 days.

Start today the 40 Day Journey and transform your life!

To Your Health & Success,


Matt Arellano
“FUEL Study – Transform Your Life”


Have Questions?  Contact Me

Mentor-Guided Journey

  • LIFETIME ACCESS  to this 40 Day Program
  • PRIVATE Online Program for Men
  • FOR MEN, designed  by other men

Join the FUEL Community!

We dare you to experience first-hand what the FUEL Study could do for you. After all, it’s only 40 days, what do you have to loose? Be BOLD and take charge of your future and today is the day!

Commonly Asked Questions

Why does having a mentor cost me $49.95?

FUEL Ministries is a Non-Profit 501c3 that is financially supported through signups and donations. The FUEL Study is part of a ministry where we have programs to handle the other needs of men caught in habitual sin, like weekly meetings and sober living facilities locally and nationally.

We get it, no one likes to pay for something when we can have it for free, but there is also truth in the saying “you’ll value something more when you had to buy it yourself”. You will get a mentor to walk the road with you, where you’re not alone”¦.

Who are these mentors and what kind of experience do they have?

All of our FUEL Study mentors were graduates that have been through our program seen first hand the impact it had on them. They had the support of a mentor to help them meet their goals, talk about the challenges they were facing and most importantly find the support they need to move forward. They also have been recommended to FUEL from their local pastor.


We have found an 85% success rate with those who have had a mentor during their journey. Participants of our program are more likely to get-out of bondage faster than doing it alone. Your success matters to us, consider making a FUEL Mentor apart of your life changing journey”¦